Insurance Product Information Documents


With the Insurance Product Information Documents, you can quickly see what is  insured and what is not when concluding an insurance with us. This way you immediately know what the policy conditions are. It helps you to compare AIG's insurance with other insurers.


General Liability - DutchFrenchEnglish
General Liability (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish
Product contamination - DutchFrenchEnglish
Product contamination (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish
Environmental - English

Financial Lines

Cyber - DutchFrenchEnglish
Cyber (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish
Directors and Officers - DutchFrenchEnglish
Directors and Officers (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish
Professional Indemnity -DutchFrenchEnglish
Professional Indemnity (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish
Management Company Protection - DutchFrenchEnglish

Financial Institutions Crime Insurance - English
FIDO Insurance- English
FIPI Insurance - English
Fund Protector Insurance - English
Investment Management Insurance - English
Management Company Guard (Luxembourg Only) - English
Private Equity Protector - English

Accident & Health

Expatriate Care - Dutch, French, English
Expatriate Care (Luxembourg) -  French, English
Group Plus BTA - DutchFrenchEnglish
Group Plus BTA (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish
Expatriate Care (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish
Foreigners Plan - DutchFrenchEnglish
Foreigners Plan (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish
International Health Plan - DutchFrenchEnglish
International Health Plan (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish
Travel & Events - DutchFrenchEnglish
Travel & Events (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish
Travel Insurance Protection - Dutch, FrenchEnglish
Travel Insurance Protection (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish
World Business Card - DutchFrenchEnglish
World Business Card (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish
Individual Personal Accident - DutchFrenchEnglish
Individual Personal Accident (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish
Individual Personal Accident Kids - DutchFrenchEnglish
Individual Personal Accidents Kids (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish
Group Personal Accidents (Luxembourg) - FrenchEnglish